Development of Dissemination Hub
The INTERREG IPA Cross Border Cooperation Programme CCI 2014 TC 16 I5CB 009 is a cross-border cooperation Programme co-financed by the European Union under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II). The strategy statement of the Programme is “to enhance territorial cohesion by improving living standards and employment opportunities holding respect to the environment and by using the natural resources for upgrading of the tourism product”. In the framework of the Programme Symbiosis project was developed.
The project main objective is to set up an integrated, sustainable, bio-waste management and trading scheme between the partner regions of Western Macedonia in Greece (former pref. of Florina) and the municipality areas of Bitola and Novatsi in Repubic of North Macedonia following the Industrial Symbiosis concept. SYMBIOSIS will develop symbiotic networks bringing together companies and stakeholders from all business sectors, aiming to improve cross industry resource efficiency through material trading and sharing assets in an environmentally sustainable way.
In order to disseminate the project’s actions, DIADYMA created and operates the Project’s Dissemination Hub. The hub consists of 8 sectors, online platform, news, trainings, events, social media, articles, links and downloads. Each one of them communicates certain information to the public.
(Click on the labels to open each sector)
The SYMBIOSIS project will develop symbiotic networks to connect companies and stakeholders from all business sectors to improve industrial resources through the exchange of materials with an environmentally sustainable manner. In this sector someone can observe the symbiotic network of local enterprises -form the regions mentioned above- that have been developed. All data for the platform gathered from a questionnaire which is created from DIADYMA for this purpose. The information gathered will be processed a non-automated way to draw conclusions and develop cooperative structures of circular economy.
News contains any information about the project, such as competitions, or any other new info that is important to be noted by the public
In this sector someone can see the actions that have taken to train project participants about waste management and especially bio-waste.
Events include texts with photos from all meetings and generally events that have been carried out for the project e.g. the kick-off meeting with all the project partners or the sensitization event. All info includes details of what was said at the meeting, about next steps or any correction and generally the implementation of the project.
The social media sector includes the links from all websites that have been created for the project, specifically Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Someone can visit social media to learn more directly info about the project (images, video etc.).
This sector contains articles and posts of relevant information material. More specifically, articles that contains information on bio-waste management, circular economy, symbiosis networks and other relative subjects for a better understanding of project’s targets.
This sector includes links that someone can visit. Links for INTERREG Program, Project partners’ websites and areas involved.
In this sector someone can download material from projects’ actions, such as the presentations of events.
The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries and the Managing Authority.