Kick-off meeting in Bitola
The kick-off meeting of the project ‘’Symbiotic networks of bio-waste sustainable management (SYMBIOSIS)” was hosted by Public Enterprise KOMUNALEC in Bitola on 28-29/06/2018. The project of SYMBIOSIS is implemented within the “INTERREG IPA Cross Border Cooperation Programme CCI 2014 TC 16 I5CB 009”.
All partners of the project were present:
1) Public Enterprise KOMUNALEC Bitola. ( The director was the host of the event, as KOMUNALEC is the leader partner.
2) Waste management of Western Macedonia DIADIMA S.A. (
3) Public Enterprise for communal works KOMUNALNA HIGIENA Novaci (
4) InnoPolis- Centre for Innovation and Culture (
5) Movement of Environment MOLIKA Bitola
6) National Technical University of Athens (
Project Partners discussed about the analytical project’s plan, roles, responsibilities, expected results and deliverables. Moreover, a press conference was given about project objectives.
Among the executives and political representatives were:
- the Mayor of Municipality of Bitola, Mrs. Natasha Petrovska,
- the Mayor of Municipality Novaci, Mr. Ljube Kuzmanoski
- the President of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, Mr. Mirko Velkovski
As well as from the Joint Technical Secretariat of CBC Greece-Repubic of North Macedonia programme:
- Mr. Adnan Emini, Antenna Officer
- Mr. Naxhi Ismaili, Project officer
Below you may find a series of photos regarding the Kick-Off meeting. Private sectors are especially welcome to enter and contact in order to participate in the waste valorization of waste target by SYMBIOSIS project.