First Sensitization Event: “Biowaste treatment and exploitation”
Innopolis in the framework of Project SYMBIOSIS which is implemented within the INTERREG IPA Cross Border Cooperation Programme CCI 2014 TC 16 I5CB 009, organized the first sensitization event entitled “Biowaste treatment and exploitation” which took place in Thessaloniki (Farm School AUTh), on 10/12/2018.
In the event were presented the Project and its main target / objectives, other related cross-border Projects and best practises of symbiotic platforms as the main target of the project is the symbiosis platform in order to be facilitated the maximum utilization of organic residues / products from all possible sources.
It is creating with the support of SEVE, Inter-Balkan Environmental Center and the participation of the companies REDESTOS, COMPOST LAB and BIOSOLIDS (other companies are expected to join) as well as specialiezed scientists and experts from Brussels (George Kremlis) and USA (Konstantinos Drougos) a core of business utilization of organic residues/products that will claim the utilization of organic streams in North Greece and the Balkans.